Celebrating the Life of Dr Nancy Roman

Dr Nancy Roman was NASA's director of Astronomy and the first female executives of NASA. Known to many as the mother of Hubble as part of her role involved the planning of the pioneering Hubble Space Telescope (HST) which launched in the year, 1990. Along with the Cosmic Background Explorer. But, sadly on Boxing day last year, Nancy Roman died.

Dr Roman received her PhD in astronomy from the University of Chicago in 1949. This would be 10 years before Dr Nancy Roman would join the headquarters of NASA, soon after the agency's founding, in the year 1958. Dr Roman became their first chief of astronomy, being drawn to the offer of having the leeway to create such a pivotal department.

About Her Work

It was another astronomer named Lyman Spitzer who had an idea of having a space-based telescope in 1946. Just at that time, there was no money or the technology required to do such a project. But that changed with Dr Roman. Dr Nancy Roman started to organise the astronomers. Lead talks about the idea in 1960 - a good 30 years before the Hubble Space Telescope was actually built. Dr Roman wrote the testimony (a written statement) for NASA representatives making the case for the HST before congest and pitched the project to the bureau of the budget.

The Hubble Space Telescope is a space based telescope which has been launched into orbit close to Earth (Known as Low Earth Orbit, LEB). It's not the first space telescope. Yet, the HST is one of the largest as well as being the most versatile. HST is not just used for research but for help in growing the public engagement for astronomy. This telescope's name comes from the astronomer - Edward Hubble.

It wasn't just the Hubble telescope which Nancy Roman assisted with. Dr Roman helped to be the driving force for the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE).
The COBE is also referred to as the Explorer 66 which is a satellite. It was in service from 1989 to 1993 with set goals to investigate the cosmic background radiation of the universe along with providing measurements which shape our understanding of the cosmos. Explorer 66 went to confirm the Big Bang Theory.

Dr Nancy Roman finished her NASA career at the Goddard Space Flight Centre where she was the manager of the Astronomical Data Centre. Though Dr Roman didn't just finish. After her retirement, Dr Roman continued working as a contractor at Goddard.

Her Other Role...

Through her career, Dr Roman was also an active public speaker. She was an educator and a true advocate for women within scientific career.

I was inspired too when I read what Dr Nancy Roman had done. She was an astronomer at a time where women were not seen to able to hold scientific jobs. Dr Roman said in NASA's Goddard YouTube video (Link) that 'I was told from the beginning that a woman could not be an astronomer' which must have been hard to take at any age. But to hear your own guidance counsellor say, What woman would take mathematics instead of Latin'. It's just shocking for me, as a woman who loves getting stuck into my chosen branch of science - Biomedical Science. I'm just sad that this impressive lady is not with us anymore. I hope that watching us landing on the dark side of the moon and getting to the most distant point in own solar system.

