Fourth Week of Work - Part 1

It has been long since I first walk though the doors of the office. But, it is just starting to feel like the normal. I have my own work cup, my computer is all set up and I have a phone in the office (which has my name on. Finally an official member). I've been busy since the my last blog post on work. Now, I'm shadowing at events and even taken apart in a select few. It's so exciting to get stuck in with the STEM events.

This week will be especially fun with so many events happening so quickly after each other. To be honest, I can't wait to get started with all of them. They all seem quite fun from an outreach prospective. Though I bet I'll be tired by the end of the week...

On Monday, Ryan and I were shadowing at the RAF Cosford museum. There was a primary school visiting the museum and it was great time to jump in. We started to learn how to do workshops whilst giving the museum a helpful extra pair of hands. I'll discuss what happened, more in the titled section below, though it was rather insightful and exciting to watch the workshops. It was interesting seeing how the team dealt with the children who doing the activities as well as teachers and assistants who were supervising from the side. There were all sorts of important take away events that can be evolved into our future events.
On Tuesday (Today), we took the role of a social media reporter got an architecture outreach event. It was taken by a company called Weedon Architecture and he was discussing what he does in his work life. Though I am not an architecture graduate. It was fascinating listening to lecture which is beyond my sphere of knowledge (I'll talk more in the section below again).

On Wednesday, Ryan and I will be taking part in the fossil workshop which happening again. It is nothing new from the event that I blogged previously about last Wednesday. But, it will be good to do the event with more knowledge. I feel like I can be more of use to the geologist who leads.
If that wasn't enough for a week, I have also got an event on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, I'll be taking part in the University of Wolverhampton's Big read event. The author, Gail Honeyman, is coming into the University and promoting her book. I have read the book myself just for interest. Hopefully, if time allows me, I will be putting my review of the book on Thursday. On Friday, we have an eventful day with the architecture team again. It is planned that they'll be a trip to the Black Country Living Museum and maybe a chance to see my first 3D printer (Which will be fun)! Can't wait for all of these events. Though I reckon I'll be very tired come the weekend.

Monday. RAF Cosford Museum - shadowing the WWII handling workshop

On Monday, we visited the museum at RAF Cosford once again. We were shadowing the workshops at RAF Cosford. Seeing how they were organised and taught to children of different ages. Eventually, the goal will be that Ryan and I could take a few workshops at the museum ourselves. Then, use that experience for ourselves in other STEM activities. Like always, it was very fun in RAF Cosford. I found the workshops really interesting myself. I don't know about the year 3's who were actually involved with them. But, I was defiantly interested in the workshop. I was paired with a lovely lady called Mary who was going through a workshop named 'WW2 Handling'. The WW2 Handling workshop focused on the everyday items which would have been present in the streets of Britain within the war. To start with, the props were kept within the desks that the children sat by. When Mary said so the year 3's would be able look into the desks and retrieved the items. They'd be a moment of talking and discussion. Afterwards, Mary would pick the most interesting ones to talk about and show the class.
Examples of the some items under the desks were
  • Ration booklets
  • Recipes
  • Magazines
  • Deactivated incendiary bombs
  • Spitfire bullets
  • Children's toys
    • Wooden ships
    • Cardboard dolls
Marry was very experienced with her workshop. I couldn't be more impressed with how it was handled. Mary knew exactly what to do/say to the children. Especially when they weren't listening or too excited to sit still. She used the props very well as well as the air raid alarm which she had in the classroom. I had lots of things to take away at the end and I only hope to be as good as Mary.
My favourite part of Mary's workshop was when we went into the air raid shelter. Mary set the event up by using a real air raid alarm in the classroom and mentioning if you heard that in the 1340's - you would be heading for the nearest shelter. Then, Mary left the topic for a bit before she played the air raid alarm suddenly. The kids were more than happy to follow her into the makeshift shelter next door.

It wasn't just Mary's workshop that I have the opportunity to be in. Another part of the STEM team, James, was also doing a workshop. James' workshop was very similar to Mary's. This workshop focused on the clothing of wars. The table was organised with uniforms from the RAF, going from WW1 (with the leather air jackets and furry goggles) through to the cold war (With silky camouflage jumpsuits that came with a very protective helmet). The children would have the opportunity to wear these items which was quite delightful to see when they got going.
This workshop was more chaotic than the last. Not to say, that there wasn't any structure to the play session. It was just a fun mini dressing session where the children could ask us any questions. The year 3's were more than happy to try on the gas masks, coats and hats.

It was really fun to be apart of this day. Personally, I really enjoyed the session. Especially talking one to one with James and Mary. They were interested in my past as an air cad. Plus, the trips I had to France, Belgium and parts of Germany as part of a battlefields trip in Year 8. I stuck a chord with Mary about my trip to Ypres. She said that she really wants to go there and I was explaining more of where to go in Ypres if she did manage to go. I hope to have more like this when I head back to the Cosford museum after the half term break.

Tuesday - Learn-it Earn-it Lecture

On Tuesday, Ryan and I got the chance to sit and listen to an architecture lecture. It was spoken by a representative of Weedon Architecture. He was talking about his work life and the projects that he has been managing. Whilst we were there, Ryan and I were advertising this lecture on to the common social media platforms. These are Twitter and Instagram. In the future, we hope to utilise Snapchat.
Personally, I liked the lecture. It was quite interesting. Especially when he spoke about the buildings that he had done in Manchester and York which I had seen. Those buildings were good looking and I was glad to know of the person who designed them. I can't wait to work with the team on Friday. Let's see what I will learn next...

See part 2
